Monthly Update | December 2021

Happy new year! We’re back to our regularly-scheduled monthly updates, and we’ve got a brand new host for our December 2021 installment: project manager Vicki McEachern, who just escaped the snowy mountains of Canada for the snowy streets of Chicago....

Catholic Chicago Radio – 12/30/2021

Spirit Juice Studios founder Rob Kaczmark recently appeared on Catholic Chicago Radio for a wide-ranging, hour-long interview with hosts Father Greg Sakowicz and Mark Teresi. The show aired on WNDZ 750 AM in Chicago and on the show’s YouTube channel on December...

Dominican Sisters of Hawthorne

Hope is often described as an anchorage, to help us hang on. But if we don’t have hope, life and even death is pointless. Love gives us hope. This video shows forth that love and care that the Dominican Sisters of Hawthorne provide and their vocation to provide...

I Knew You, Before I Formed You

Life is messy, beautiful, tragic, and amazing. We should always have faith, as goodness and love always strives. This is a powerful and inspiring short film is based on the true story of a young mother who chose life amidst darkness, as she welcomed her child into...

Cardinal Dolan Endorses Juice Box

We at Spirit Juice want to lead Catholic children to a path of Faith, help them understand it is their mission in life to get to heaven, and to help others get there as well. With young Catholics leaving the Church in droves, it’s time to find a new way to pass...