Following the first installment of Spirit Juice Studios’ Catholic Filmmaking Breakdown featuring creative director Branden Stanley, senior project manager Danielle Conklin revisits a production for the annual National Catholic Youth Conference (NCYC), sponsored...
We’re really excited to share this month’s update, comprised of the most content to date! Not only of the standard Spirit Juice tidbits, but also less than flattering childhood photographs of Rob and his attempts of performing BMX tricks. The video has...
This vocational video for the Archdiocese of Chicago features an 80-year old priest detailing his consecrated life as a prayer, expressing his hopes that his passion takes hold of another. A hope that another man can find fulfillment and salvation in the life of...
As a whole, when you take on a number of projects, it is difficult to find time to reflect on the product process, creative choice made (or not, in some cases), and how the finished was successfully completed. By taking past pieces and dissecting them, it is...
Here is a familiar scenario: A client reaches out to you for your creative services to work on a video project. After a few conversations and emails, they offer you the engagement. Two days on the project and they tell you they want to wear purple suspenders in the...
Spirit Juice Studios is a Catholic Video Production Company based in Chicago IL. Tell your story through the power of visual media merged with the ever ancient, ever new beauty of Catholicism.
Contact Us:
Spirit Juice Studios P.O. Box 557649 Chicago, IL 60655