Catholic Filmmaking Breakdown | SEEK Recap

An event recap video can be so much more than just a recap. In this edition of the Catholic Filmmaking Breakdown, Spirit Juice Studios’ senior projects manager Dani Conklin reviews the 2019 SEEK Conference video recap that was produced for the Fellowship of Catholic University Students (FOCUS). Spirit Juice Studios has worked extensively with FOCUS on a variety of projects, and their annual conference is always a particularly exciting event to be a part of, as thousands of young adult Catholics come together for a multi-day celebration filled with event speakers, worship, musical performances and fun.

In approaching the recap video, Dani details the pre-production planning that allowed the video to fit in seamlessly with the overall brand of the 2019 SEEK Conference. Spirit Juice wrote a narrative script that reflected the themes of the conference, and it was later recorded by the top Catholic speakers who presented at SEEK 2019, including Father Mike Schmitz, Matt Fradd, Jennifer Fulwiler, FOCUS founder Curtis Martin and others.

Specific colors and text were deployed in the video to match the visual look of the conference as well as the themes of the SEEK-related social media posts shared by FOCUS throughout the conference. With some advance preparation, this recap video served as an effective extension of the event itself — showcasing the various aspects of the conference, the scope of attendees and speakers, and the spiritual themes that FOCUS was stressing throughout the multi-day event.

This video is indicative of the attention to detail that Spirit Juice Studios brings to the production of high-quality Catholic filmmaking projects for clients across the country. If your Catholic organization, parish or diocese has a need for compelling multimedia content, please contact us to discuss your next project.

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