Monthly Update | August 2022

It’s the heart of summertime, but we’re not taking a vacation! Check out this month’s update to see some of the latest projects we have completed for our awesome clients. This month’s host Branden takes us behind the scenes of his home garden project, too!

This month, CPCI Community Pregnancy Clinics released a video we produced that documents their completely free health services to pregnant women and their babies. This pro-life organization serves women in need and has saved 20,000 babies since 1974.

For a project with the Knights of Columbus about the USCCB‘s ongoing Eucharistic Revival, we sent our staff out across the country to capture Corpus Christi processions at various parishes. You can watch several of our videos on the Eucharistic Revival at this special Eucharist-focused Knights of Columbus website.

Lastly, be sure to check out our new Reel Homilies series! Featuring Father Tim Anastos, associate chaplain of the St. John Paul II Newman Center at the University of Illinois-Chicago, these minute-long reflections will unpack the Sunday Gospel readings through the lenses of Church tradition, pop culture and self-improvement. We hope these reflections will make you think, make you laugh and enhance your experience of the Sunday Mass.

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