Monthly Update | June 2022

We were honored last month to tell the compelling story of Captain Vince Lombardi, a ferry captain for the New York Waterway, who helped rescue the passengers and crew of US Airways Flight 1549 when it made an emergency landing in the Hudson River in 2009. Lombardi also happens to be a devout Catholic and a member of the Knights of Columbus, and this film shares his lesser-known story of heroism and how he relied on his faith to get him through this remarkable experience.

We also worked with the Knights of Columbus to produce several videos about their efforts to raise funds and awareness about the war in Ukraine. They have raised $16 million to provide humanitarian aid to those in Ukraine who are affected by the conflict. We also shot a profile about a Ukrainian band made up of Knights of Columbus, who are raising money for the effort through their music. You can visit here to learn more about the Knights of Columbus’ Ukraine Solidarity Fund.

Lastly, we are excited to announce our latest offering in the online Spirit Juice Shop: Retro Holy Cards! You can purchase these exclusive designs from our “Patrons of Media” collection that includes Venerable Fulton Sheen, Blessed Carlo Acutis, Mother Angelica and Blessed James Alberione. Get them in two card sizes, or as a dishwasher-safe sticker. More designs coming soon!

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