latest News & projects

Exciting things are always happening at Spirit Juice Studios. Check out the latest!


2017 Year in Review

As we look back on 2017, we could not be more proud of each and every one of the projects and causes we had a hand in over the past year…

2017 Emmy Nominations

We are proud to announce that Spirit Juice Studios has been nominated for four Chicago/Midwest Emmys! Tune in on December 2nd…

Invasion of the Light

Over a year in the works, our team is proud to present “Invasion of the Light”, a music video featuring our Spiritual Director, Fr. Pontifex…

Archdiocese of New York

We recently had the privilege of collaborating with the Archdiocese of New York to create a marriage preparation video series…

Spirit Juice Visits Fort Bragg

Our team spent several days at Fort Bragg in North Carolina, working together with the Knights of Columbus to produce a piece on the annual…

NAB Show 2017

The National Association of Broadcasters is the voice for the nation’s radio and television broadcasters. As the premier trade association…

Were You There

As we at Spirit Juice Studios take time out of our day to reflect on the suffering and death of Jesus on Good Friday, we are proud to present our modern take…

World Youth Day Vlog

During the Summer of 2016, Spirit Juice Studios (along with three million other Catholics) traveled to Poland. We were honored to chronicle the journey…


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