Embarking on the largest journey the crew has ever undertaken, a team of four flew from Spirit Juice Studios’ home in Chicago to the historic city of Krakow, Poland. With an arsenal of cameras (and 22 cases of gear including the newly acquired ARRI Amira), the team followed college Knights of Columbus members through Poland’s Tatra and Zakopane Mountains, documenting their journey toward World Youth Day.
As the largest gathering of Catholics, World Youth Day presented a unique challenge for Spirit Juice team members as they set out to produce a new video every day whilst navigating the 3 million attendees and capturing the sites and sounds of the historic event. Coming within inches of the Holy Father, the team nearly met the Pope for the second year in a row. By the conclusion of the trip, the crew had traversed 120 miles by foot, and completed numerous videos to be shown in the Knights of Columbus Mercy Center.