Crown of Thorns, performed by Danielle Rose, tells the story of a flower who dreamed to be the King's most precious rose; a rose who was made into a crown, forced by soldiers violently onto the head of our Lord and...
I Am The Bread
This is a music video made for 9G Films, for the wonderful song "I Am The Bread" by Catholic singer-songwriter Trish Short. It represents the beauty of the liturgy, particularly on the celebration of the beauty...
Love’s Not
The emcee/DJ hip-hop duo Mars Ill released the song "Love's Not" as an artistic way to define Love by ironically and elaborately explaining what love isn't. Manchild uses the art of songwriting to communicate his...
The Dark is Not Your Home
This original song by artist Taylor Tripodi speaks to anyone who feels trapped in darkness. God did not create you for pain and, even in the midst of darkness, He calls you. This piece speaks to his love and...
Enjoy the music video for "Chosen" by artist Joe Melendrez, a song that delves into topics of feeling along or forgotten. God chooses us every day; God doesn't care if we're sinful, afraid, or weak.
Hail Holy Queen
On the afternoon of April 15, 2019, the unexpected occurred: the renowned Notre Dame Cathedral was engulfed in flames. The same day, at the University of Notre Dame, a number of students gathered together to...
"Struggler" is a single off the album Poco a Poco by Brother Isaiah of the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal. The video takes its viewers on a cinematic poetic personification of "struggling" through the use of a...
Christ the Lord Is Risen Today
The following is a performance of the song "Christ the Lord Is Risen Today", recorded live at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit, Michigan. The group of musicians includes members of Dioceses located throughout Michigan and...
God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen
The following is a performance of the song "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen", recorded live at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit, Michigan. The group of musicians includes members of Dioceses located throughout...
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